

"... _Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord,..."_ 2 Timothy 1:8A. 

Many believers are oblivious of the salient and latent power of Testimony. We often talk about it without taking time to discover the pungency and potency thereof. 

Some countries of the world dedicate a day every year as Thanksgiving day as a testimony of God's goodness unto them. 

Testimony and thanksgiving are like the Siamese twins, they are joined to each other. 

You can't say you are thanking God without testifying of His goodness to you and vice versa. 

Here in the Christian Library Nation, we have a lot to testify about. It is when we testify about the impact of the books we post and read in our respective groups that people will know assuredly that the Christian Library Nation is affecting lives. 

It will be sheer hypocrisy to assume that our lives and ministries have not been positively impacted by the mentality of these free Christian books since we joined the Christian Library Nation. 

Many believers fail to realize that it is when we testify about God's goodness in our lives that we'd overcome the devil thoroughly because we ".....  _overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death...."_ Revelations 12:11. 

In our context, we are going to testify about the impact of Christian books on our lives. It may be that you read a particular book and got saved from sin, got healed, got holiness of heart and life, got delivered from drug addiction and evil habits, your marriage became sweet again,  received financial breakthrough and freedom, etc.....why not testify about it.

Don't be silent about it.

 If we don't testify, how will the world know that God is with us in the Christian Library Nation? 

I challenge every one of us in CLN to imbibe the habit of reading and testifying. We didn't come to CLN to occupy space.....we came to be impacted through books and we in turn impact others through the words of our testimony.

Dare to testify!!!!

Daddy Billy ™©


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